Location: Parry Sound District N 45 20.350 W -80 02.284
At the east end of the parking lot for the Bobby Orr Museum, next to the fitness trail.

This memorial is dedicated to the 342 men of the Algonquin Regiment that died as result of World War II. It stands very nearby to the Francis Pegahmagabow Statue, the greatest war hero to come out of this area. I will let the accompanying signage tell the story of this famous regiment and its role in WWII.

Marker text:
Story sign:
The Algonquin Regiment
The Algonquin Regiment evolved from the Northern Pioneers formed after
World War I from a number of northern Ontario military units. When the
Algonquin Regiment was mobilized for active service on July 22, 1940,
its purpose was to assist in the defeat of Adolph Hilter's Nazi Germany and
its allies. 130 men from the Parry Sound area flocked to join A Company of
the Algonquins at local recruiting centres.
Over the next 5 years they trained in Canada and England, then saw active
service in Normandy, Belgium and Holland. On May 7th, 1945, the Algonquin
Regiment's long road ended as they stood victorious beyond the Rhine in
the German town of Rastede. On many occasions, from Normandy through
to Germany, its was the Algonquin task to establish bridgeheads across the
rivers and canals through which the Fourth Division advanced. Hence our
motto "Ne-Ka-Ne-Tah"(We lead, others follow).
The cost in human terms was 1300 killed, wounded, and missing in action.
372 of this number gave their lives as the price for freedom we enjoy
today. Their names are forever recorded on the monument you see here.

1939 - 1945
Roll of Honour
Their memory cherished in the land they loved
Officers Killed In Action
Major W.S. MacPherson
Captain D.W. Dymond
Captain J.M. Jewell
Captain T.P. Richardson
Captain R.A. Scott
F.E. Wright
Lieut. D.B. Armstrong
Lieut. W.J. Boisvert
Lieut. A.M. Burslem
Lieut. T.C.W. Byrnes
Lieut. N.A. Christopherson
Lieut. J.C. Fraser
Lieut. R.J.O. Hamilton
Lieut. H.G. Hosack
Lieut. G.J. Hunter
Lieut. W.M. Jackson
Lieut. W.A. McKeon
Lieut. G.C. Mowry
Lieut. W.E. O'Donnell
Lieut. C. Ratte
Lieut. E.L. Roberts
Died of Wounds
Captain T.L. Alexander
Captain F.W. Grafton
Captain R.C. McNairn
Lieut. T.C. Dutcher
Lieut. R.L. Richard
Other Ranks Killed In Action
Cpl. Allemang, H.E.
L.Cpl. Amundson, S.
Pte. Anderson, F.L.
Pte. Anderson, H.M.
Pte. Armstrong, R.O.
Pte. Ashcroft, W.J.
L.Cpl. Asplund, B.A.
Pte. Atwood W.C.
Pte. Auld, J.W.
Pte. Ayres, E.C.
Pte. Baker, K.D.
Pte. Barclay, P.W.
CQMS Barlow, J.J.
Pte. Barnard, W.E.
Cpl. Barron. S.M.
Pte. Bateman, J.R.
Cpl. Beckingham, E.E.
Pte. Beers, J.
Pte. Benere, R.F.
Pte. Benjamin, C.M.
Pte. Bertrand, C.D.
Pte. Bird, E.A.W.
L.Sgt. Black, D.G.
Sgt. Bolan, M.M.
Pte. Bolger, B.
Sgt. Boppre, G.M.
Sgt. Borthwick, J.J.
Pte. Bouchard, W.J.
L.Cpl. Bowman, G.E.
Pte. Boyd, A.
Cpl. Boyd, L.M.
Pte. Boyko, P.
Pte. Brasseur, P.
Pte. Brenna, J.J.G.
Pte. Brisson, J.G.
Pte. Bromilow, J.
Pte. Brown, G.S.
Sgt. Brown, G.W.E.
Pte. Brown, N.L.
Pte. Brown, T.
Pte. Brown, W.B.
Pte. Brunelle, P.
Pte. Brydges, W.R.
L.Cpl. Bugler, H.G.
Pt.e Burnett, S.A.
Cpl. Burns, G.J.
Pte. Burton, J.T.
Pte. Byers, A.L.
Pte. Cadzow, J.
Cpl. Caldell, L.
Pte. Cameron, H.P.
Pte. Campbell, J.D.
Cpl. Campbell, P.D.
Pte. Cantlon, C.C.
Pte. Carlson, C.W.
Pte. Carruthers, J.B.
L.Cpl. Cascanette, R.J.
Pte. Chaisson, A.
Cpl. Charette, P.V.
Pte. Chedore, K.H.
Pte. Chippewa, D.W.
Pte. Chisolm, E.D.
Pte. Clark, S.
Pte. Clarke, W.J.
L.Sgt. Cochrane, C.G.
Pte. Cole, N.F.
Cpl. Conn, H.P.
Pte. Cook, W.B.
Pte. Cooney, H.A.
Pte. Copley, E.
Pte. Cosens, W.J.
Pte. Cote, A.J.
Pte. Coull, W.J.
Pte. Cowley, J.
Pte. Crawley, G.E.
Cpl. Creeman, R.T.
Pte. Crilley, W.F.
Pte. Crue, E.J.
Pte. Cunningham, B.J.
Pte. Davison, D.
Pte. DeBay, T.G.V.
L.Cpl. Dent, L.A.
Pte. Deon, J.
L.Cpl. Diamond, G.M.
Pte. Dietch, J.J.
Pte. Donald, A.P.
Sgt. Downey, J.P.
Sgt. Downie, W.I.
Pte. Drake, R.
Pte. Duff, R.S.
Pte. Duncanson, K.D.
Pte. Dunett, W.N.
Pte. Dunn, T.S.
Pte. Dunn, W.E.
Pte. Dusomme, W.J.P.
Sgt. Dwyer, A.M.
L.Cpl. Dyball, W.L.
Pte. Eagles, K.W.
Cpl. Ellenwood, R.W.
Pte. Elliott, R.S.
Cpl. Ellis, G.A.
Pte. Erison, R.J.
Pte. Farrell, C.C.
Cpl. Farrow, D.B.
Pte. Fast, J.
Pte. Favel, W.
L.Cpl. Fedoration, J.
Cpl. Feldman, H.
Pte. Fennah, W.F.
Pte. Fishbach, G.H.
Pte. Fitzgerald, G.L.
L.Cpl. Flynn, G.H.
Pte. Fogal, J.M.
Pte. Ford, G.
Pte. Foster, F.E.
Pte. Frain, R.L.
Pte. Fraser, R.W.
Cpl. Freve, E.
L.Cpl. Funk, A.J.
Cpl. Gagnon, W.R.
Pte, Gauthier, J.L.
Pte. Gauthier, R.
Pte. Gawne, D.G.
Cpl. Gibbons, D.J.
Pte. Gilhuly, G.J.
Pte. Girardin, R.W.
Pte. Giunta, E.
Pte. Goguen, C.R.
Pte. Gordon, A.N.
Pte. Gordon, D.E.
Pte. Gore, B.
Pte. Grant, M.
Pte. Green, J.H.
Pte. Gregoire, R.
Pte. Grubb, C.M.
Pte. Hall, V.S.
Pte. Hamilton, E.D.
Pte. Hammond, D.J.
L.Cpl. Hansen, T.
Pte. Hardwick, H.F.
Pte. Hastings, E.
Pte. Hemphill, A.S.
Pte. Henry, J.
Pte. Hill, S.
Pte. Hilts, E.L.
Cpl. Hockenstein, B.
Pte. Hodgson, C.W.
Cpl. Hoelke, E.O.
Pte. Holiday, J.
L.Cpl. Hooper, R.E.
Sgt. Horne, R.E.
Pte. Hryciuk, M.
L.Cpl. Hubbard, P.H.
Pte. Hudson, D.T.
Pte. Hurlin, W.R.
Pte. Husak, P.
Pte. Hyland, J.E.
Pte. Ingraham, H.S.
Sgt. Irwin, C.C.
Pte. Jackman, F.W.
Pte. Jaeger, D.A.
Pte. Johnson, A.L.
Pte. Johnson, C.L.
Pte. Johnson, J.V.
Pte. Johnson, L
Pte. Johnston, E.T.
Pte. Jones, J.
Pte. Kelly, G.R.
L.Cpl. Kennedy, S.D.
Pte. Kennedy, W.D.
Pte. Keown, C.E.
Pte. Klein, A.
Pte. Klingbile, C.H.
Pte. Lacombe, R.J.
Cpl. Lafontaine, W.J.I.
Pte. Lally, W.G.
Pte. Lamontagne, L.P.
Pte. Lanoue, O.
Pte. Larocque, L.R.
Pte. Legault, J.W.
Pte. Lerue, A.G.
Pte. Lesperance, L.J.
Pte. Lewis, J.W.
Pte. Lewis, W.H.
Pte. Linkie, W.H.
Sgt. Lintick, R.G.B.
Pte. Lone, J.P.
Pte. Lucas, L.E.
Pte. Lundy, G.V.J.
Pte. MacDonald, A.E.
Pte. MacLeod, J.A.
Pte. Marabella, A.R.
L.Cpl. May, G.J.
Pte. McAngus, D.S.
Pte. McCallum, R.
Cpl. McClory, J.I.
Pte. McCurry, A.
Pte. McEachern, G.B.
Pte. McKellar, D.A.
Sgt. McWhirter, R.E.
Pte. Meyer, V.L.
Pte. Michaelis, A.T.
Pte. Miller, F.
Pte. Milley, F.S.
Pte. Morrison, E.H.
CSM Morrison, J.W.
Pte. Morrison, M.R.
Pte. Murphy, G.W.
RSM Murray, A.G.
Sgt. Myers, M.D.
L.Cpl. Nanibush, C.
Pte. Nicol, E.L.
Pte. O'Callaghan, L.P.
Pte. Oliver, R.D.
Pte. O'Neil, J.H.
Pte. Page, V.H.
L.Sgt. Paine, E.W.
Cpl. Parysek, J.W.
Pte. Patterson, H.L.
Pte. Pattison, F.K.
Pte. Pearson, J.
L.Cpl. Pepin, A.J.
Cpl. Perry, L.V.
CSM Petta, A.
Pte. Pettipas, L.F.
Pte. Phillips, G.F.
Pte. Piche, E.J.
Pte. Pipe, D.J.
Pte. Poole, R.N.
Pte. Prescott, H.R.
Pte. Price, W.B.D.
CSM Primeau, A.J.
Pte. Primrose, S.
Pte. Prysiaznuk, J.
Pte. Quevillon, L.J.
Pte. Reaves, C.V.
Pte. Redden, J.W.
Cpl. Reed, R.R.
Pte. Reeves, O.J.
L.Cpl. Reinhart, J.A.
Pte. Richards, M.J.
Pte. Richards, R.A.
Cpl. Ridell, C.W.
Pte. Rochejocquelein, H.A.
Pte. Rogers, C.A.
Pte. Rosinski, B.P.
Pte. Roth, L.W.
L.Cpl. Rutherford, W.
Pte. Scriver, F.R.
L.Cpl. Scully, J.M.
Pte. Shale, E.
Pte. Shanks, R.S.
Pte. Sheffield, C.P.
Cpl. Sheppard, M.G.
Pte. Simmons, J.A.
Pte. Sims, R.V.
Pte. Smail, G.A.
Pte. Smith, H.F.
Pte. Smith, H.M.
L.Cpl. Smith, J.W.
Pte. Smith, L.P.
Pte. Smith, M.A.C.
Pte. Sorenson, R.
Sgt. Speck, J.H.
L.Cpl. Spiers, V.E.
Pte. Stacy, W.W.
Pte. Starko, N.M.
L.Cpl. Steele, R.
CQMS Steele, W.S.
Pte. Stephen, P.C.
L.Cpl. Sullivan, W.J.
Pte. Theriault, L.
Pte. Therrien, J.P.
Pte. Thomas, S.
Pte. Tinndal, C.F.
Pte. Tracy, R.J.
Cpl. Turner, A.V.
Pte. Turner, S.
Cpl. Turpin, A.
Pte. Visser, G.
Cpl. Ward, F.
L.Sgt. Webb, I.L.
Pte. Weiler, R.J.
Pte. Welin, L.
Pte. West, H.E.
Pte. Whalley, C.M.
Pte. Wilkinson, F.W.
Pte. Williams, B.G.A.
Pte. Wood, C.W.
Pte. Woods, A.J.
Pte. Wright, G.A.
Pte. Yaholnitsky, N.
Pte. Young, H.R.
Died of Wounds
Pte. Allen, A.H.
Pte. Anthony, E.M.
Pte. Bootland, F.
Pte. Brannen, A.M.
Pte. Brown, J.L.
Pte. Bungay, A.
Pte. Burke, H.
Pte. Butterfield, J.H.
Pte. Campbell. M.P.
Pte. Clowery, A.P.
Pt.e Conn, E.E.
Pte. Davidson, W.C.
L.Cpl. Davison, D.
Pte. Davison, E.A.
Pte. Durocher, W.A.
Pte. Ellis, S.
Pte. Fisher, F.W.
Cpl. Fisher, W.J.K.
Cpl. Fortes, J.R.L.
Pte. Fyall, J.S.
Pte. Gates, G.A.
Pte. Gilbert, G.
Sgt. Grawbarger, J.A.B.
Pte. Grodecki, D.
Pte. Hall, H.D.
Cpl. Henry, R.G.
Pte. Horvath, A.J.
Pte. Ives, A.H.
Pte. Johnson, L.
Pte. Koshney, A.
Pte. Laurila, S.E.
Pte. McCooeye, W.F.
L.Cpl. Murrell, R.J.
Pte. Myers, W.J.
Pte. O'Neil, e.h.
Pte. Oxley, D.A.
Pte. Rogers, D.S.
Pte. Saunders, H.N.
Pte. Smale, R.E.
L.Sgt. Steele, C.F.
Pte. Stonehouse, W.J.I.
Pte. Stuart, D.
Cpl. Talbot, C.G.
Pte. Thom, D.M.
Sgt. Turner, H.
Cpl. Westbrook, W.E.
Accidentally Killed
Pte. Churchill, B.W.
Pte. Cybolsky, G.S.
Pte. Flamain, P.C.
Pte. Houston, R.D.
Pte. Hughes, K.G.
Pte. McKee, H.W.E.
Pte. Moffat, M.D.
Pte. Mulhern, P.W.
Pte. Nickila, T.W.
L.Cpl. Richardson, R.E.
Sgt. Sammon, R.J.
Pte. Sheculski, F.
Pte. Shuker, L.
Pte. Stennett, J.E.
L.Sgt. Tough, W.M.