Location: City of Ottawa N 45.22724 W -75.68343
In Remembrance Park, 5517 Dickinson Street.

The Manotick Remembrance Park is found in a beautiful, historic area along the Rideau River. The village is a small suburb of the City of Ottawa. The memorial consists of three parts, all connected by a walking path.
First is the cenotaph itself, the Manotick Cenotaph is composed of grey concrete and a metal plaque.
It is dedicated to the memory of men and women of the Allied Forces who
made the supreme sacrifice for their country. The wrought iron fence
surrounding the cenotaph was once installed at the residence of The Rt.
Honourable Sir Robert Borden, Prime Minister of Canada from 1911 – 1920.
Second, is the Veterans' Walkway, which leads from the cenotaph to the historic Watson's Mill. Veterans' Walkway is dedicated to those who served their countries in
times of war, peace and peacekeeping. There is a dedication plaque at
the start of the pathway of interlocking bricks and close to 200 bricks
in the walkway dedicated to individual veterans or military units.
Finally, we have the Manotick Remembrance Park which was opened July 2, 2017 as a place to
remember and to reflect on the contributions made by those who served
their country in war and peace. There is statue of an old veteran holding hands with a young girl and several signs dedicated to the various branches of the Canadian Forces and to the history of the area.
**Special thanks the Louise Bellec for the photographs.

Marker text:
In the memory of those men
and women of the Canadian and
Allied Forces, who made the
supreme sacrifice for
their country, in times of war,
peace or peacekeeping.

Veterans' Walkway:
This walkway is dedicated
to those men & women who served
thier countries in times of
war, peace & peacekeeping.
Their names are engraved with
loving memories, respect & gratitude.
Inscriptions on individual memorial bricks:
Pipe Major Samuel Scott
R. Armstrong MC Capt RCE
LCol R.G. Ashman CH of O 1914- 1988
Raymond Lessor Nav RCAF
W. David Adlam RCAF 1941- 1945
W/C Halsmith RCAF 1941- 75
Allan Quinn CH of O (MG)
R.A. Robson RCAF WW II
W.C. Lawrence 154th WW I
George Smith 58th Bn WW I
A.F.F. Brodic 1st Devonshire
Gordon Todd RCAF 1942- 69
W. barnes Tobruk
Sgt E. Menzie 1916- 1944
Frank Turner S/Sgt APTC
Adair Vallieres RCAF Radar WW II
Cliff Keeler Cameron Highlanders
C. Richardson Capt M.D. Army
Gordon Sheppard RCAF 1939- 1945
K. Richardson Maj PLDG
Ramsay Brown 191 Sqn India
O.B. Wilson MD RCAF Radar
LCol B.B. Alger Korea 1935- 91
Barbara Fromow WAAF
W. Keith Buck Capt & Adjt
David Fromow RCA Normandy
Eldon Brownlee RCAF 1940- 1945
Denis Murray DFC 1942
W.M. Goodwin Capt RCE MC
Robert R. Read Pvt RCAF
John J. Leo Shields RCAF
William Gray F/Sgt RCAF
Keith Cheyne 1957 RCAF 1995
Jack Sawyer Burma Star
P/O J.L. Dods 233 Squadron
A.E. Armstrong PPCLI WW I
Adelbert Kelly RCAC 1939- 45
Robert S. Grant RCCS 1938- 1945
Cpl G.A. Johnson RCE 1941- 45
William L. Shaver WW I
Arthur Ellis WO1 (RSM) REME
Clifford Shaver WW I
Fred Harris RC Sigs Korea
Russell Shaver WW I
Douglas Graham RCAF 1941- 45
WO1 H.W.E. Mullalieu WW II 1939- 45
F/O J.M. Kelly 415 Squadron (Merv)
CWO D.F. Meisner- Meisner Family
R.A. Simpson F/lt RCAF
Rob Murray Bdr Juno Beach 14th FA 1941- 46
H.W. Kennedy Army SDGH
Les Vaughan Bdr Burma Star 55th AA 1940- 46
L.H. Lyall Capt RCASC
John Boucher 1939- 1945
M.A. McElroy WW I
Arthur E. Boucher 1939- 1945
2nd Division Europe 1943- 45
C.B. Maxwell WW I 1914- 18
Hugh McLeod RCAF 32 Sqn
G.A. Maxwell WW I 1914- 18
Mary Boivin WAC UK
Robert G. Flann 156 Bat WW I 1914- 18
Bill Boivin 51st Anti- Tank
A. Maxwell WW I 1914- 18
Charles Minty WW I
Arthur Sheperd 156 Bat WW I 1914-18
Ann R. Minty RCAF (WD)
James A. Brown WW I 1914- 18
William M. Robertson WW I
Capt (Rev) T.W. Tyson WW II 1939- 45
Norman Minty RCNVR
G.A. Bradley WW I 1914- 18
J.A. Morrison RCAMC 1942- 46
Capt Charles F. Blair WW II 1939- 1945
R.A. Budd CIB 5 Div 1943- 45
Wes Sheffield WW II
Harold Watson RCAMC 1939- 45
George Owens Vimy WW I
Joseph Morin WW II 1920- 1972
Donald S. Mather Died WW I
Sydney Murphy 51st Bty WW I
John A. Mather Served WW I
Gordon Oakley Korea Vet
Claire R. Heggtvert RCAMC (Lieut)
W.R. Newton 1st Div Sigs
Francis G. Heggtvert RCAF (S/S)
F/Lt Sydney G. Pickett RCAF 1940- 1945
W.K. Buchanan RCA Italy Nav
Douglas Todd F/Sgt RCAF
K. Cavers RCNVR Atl Convoys
Pr Gordon Sheppard PP can Infantry
Walter H. Smith Rifle Brigade KIA Aug 1917 WW I
Maj R.W. Jago MC France 1914-18, Pacific 1942-45
Alvin G. Ingram F/Sgt RCAF 1942- 1963
Ernest Todd F/Sgt RCAF
Ralph L. Larkin RHA 1914- 18 WW I
S. Mansfield CFA WW I 1914- 18
Arthur Wingate 1920- 2003 RCAF WW II
Samuel Hayes 21st Bn WW I
Albert Bertsch Wehrmacht, RCAF
Hubert Stamp Sapper WW I
Lt Colonel F.R. Feeborn MC Kor/Cyp 1924- 1974
A.U. Houle DFC & Bar RCAF 1940- 1965
Major S.G. Freeborn MC COSEF 1888- 1965
Reg Falls Army 1943- 1945
Charles T. Knox RCNV & HMS WW II
John W. Gibson RCAMC 1941- 46
RQMS Les Smith RCCS 1940- 1946, 1907- 1987
Bill Fyke GGFG
Cpl A. Kenneth Collins Grd Trenton 1942- 45
Doug Hyde GGFG
Allen Ginn, CPO, WW II
Capt James W. Button US Signals 1966- 71
Ronald Knox RCNVR WW II
Sgt Ken Smith RAF 1940- 46 237 Sqd SEAC
Major Eric Isenor WW II Korea
W.K. Buchanan RCA Italy NEW
J.W. Duthie Scott CDS/Sgt RCCS WW II
Sgt Bill VanDenBosch 1941- 1945
John C. Avery RCAF
Bill Loftus 89 Sqd RAF WW II
R.A.B. Ellis RCAF
P.B. Donovan RCAF 1945-
F/L W.G. Maund RCAF
Barbara Goodwin LAW RCAF (WD)
Potter Family, Army, RCAF
A.M. Goodwin Lt RCA
W. Edward Clapp RCAF 1943- 1946,RAF 1947- 1950
Maj G.B. Fels RCE 1939- 1945
E.R. Hubbard QOR WW 1 & 2
Clifford Ball CGR CEF 1914- 18
Tpr Sadler H., 8th Recce, B72443
Jack Johnston Killed in action 1945
D. Humphreys, F/Lt RCAF 1941- 1945
James McGlade 5 Cav Regt WW I
Edward Morton CPO RCN
Capt A Camp OBE M Navy
G.C. Riley MBE F/O RCAF 1942- 1945
Lt Col P. Camp RE, WW II, Korea
John Broadfoot MBE Capt SWAC
H. Camp RA Killed in action 1916
Evelyn Crouch CWAC
Brig J.M. Melville, CBE, MC, RCE
Capt K. Camp, M Navy, WW II
Edward Ramsdale RCAF 1942- 1946
John A. Paul Armoured Corps
Ken Cavanagh 65th Tank Transport
D.E. Good RCAF 1941- 45
LCol H.E. Good, MC, CD, RCC Signals 1939- 45
In Memoriam of Manotick Veterans
Wilf Carter, 160th Bn, WW I
J.H. Chanonhouse 13th Brigade CFA
Marian Sadokierski Polish Div, N Africa, Italy
Russell Martin Navy WW II 1944- 45
Clifton McVicar, Army, WW II 1940- 45
Raymond McCrea Army WW II 1942- 46
D.W.E. Lindsay Ord Corps 42- 45
O.D. Couvrette WW2 D Day Vet 39- 45
Roy J. Henry 49th, 73rd, 21st Battery, CFA
Cpl G. Hayes Black Watch WW II
Sgt Fred Hayes RCASC Korea
Bruce Moodie WW II 1942- 45
W/C T. Mullen RCAF 1937- 1969
Raymond Thompson RCN WW II
S/Sgt S.R. Williams L. Superior Regt WW II    Remembrance Park: Manotick Remembrance Park This is a place to remember and to reflect with gratitude on the contributions made by those who served their country in war and peace. The park contains six floral gardens dedicated to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Merchant Navy, Peacekeeping under a United Nations mandate, and Homefront. Visit and enjoy. This park contains features that make it accessible to all users and is a partnership between the City of Ottawa and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 314 (Manotick) Opened July 2, 2017 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 314 (Manotick) Ottawa  