Location: Halton Region, City of Hamilton N 43°
17.505 W 079° 47.461 On Beach Boulevard at Manor Avenue between
the road and the Waterfront Trail. Main
entrance to the memorial is off the trail, as if coming ashore from the lake.
August 19, 1942, seventy years ago today, the anniversary of
the first major assault by Allied Forces on Europe. Over
5,000 Canadian troops lead the charge of Operation Jubilee onto the beaches of Dieppe. The
entire operation was a complete disaster, with no objectives being
More than 900 men
were killed in three hours, over 2000 were captured and served out the
remainder of the war in POW camps.
The raid has turned
out to be not only a disaster, but the subject of many controversies and
theories as to the real reason behind the poorly planned operation.
On 19 August 2003,
the 61st Anniversary of the raid on the French port
of Dieppe in 1942, the City of Hamilton
dedicated the Dieppe Veterans' Memorial Park to the 582 soldiers of The Royal
Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment) who stormed ashore that
The main entrance is located on Waterfront Beach Trail.
There is a low wall at the top of the walkway symbolizing the seawall at Dieppe.
Inside this low wall is the Ceremonial
Plaza. This area contains plaques
with all the names of The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry that died that day.
There are also plaques naming all other people from Hamilton
that died that day, as well as those who were awarded the Victoria Cross.
Marker text:
Front centre:
19 AUGUST 1942
Front left:
Plaque 1:
Dedicated 19 August
The Dieppe Veterans’ Memorial Park is
Dedicated by the City Of Hamilton
to the
young men of Hamilton
and surrounding
communities who died on the stony
beaches of the Port of Dieppe, France,
on 19 August 1942
A total of 913 Canadian sailors, soldiers
and airmen were killed during this raid.
The Royal Hamilton
Light Infantry
(Wentworth Regiment) lost 197 soldiers
during this battle.
Their names appear
here along with other Hamiltonians who
died while serving with other Canadian
units at Dieppe.
Plaque 2:
Major Waldron, Norris Alton
Capt. Bowery, Richard Charles Waudby
Capt. Matchett, George Elwood
Capt. Poag, Herbert Victor
Capt. Skerrett, George Donald
Lieut. Baisley, Reginald Stanley
Lieut. Bell, Llewellyn Clarke
Lieut. McIlwain, Donald Melford
Lieut. Tinsley, George
Lieut. Wright, Ian Hamilton
Pte. Abbott, John Randolph
Pte. Acton, Earl
Pte. Alexander, James
Pte. Allen Kenneth William
Pte. Anderson, Kenneth William
Pte. Anderson, Lloyd Martin
Pte. Andrews, Alfed
Pte. Ball, Melvin
Pte. Barber, Arthur Oliver
Cpl. Barber, Wesley David
Pte. Barnes, Fred Arthur
Pte. Beaulieu, Joseph Mathias
WOII Bell,
Herbert Edgar
Sgt. Bennett, William Joseph
Cpl. Bisset, Albert William
Pte. Bleeman, Murray Irving
Pte. Bohnert, Leo
Pte. Book, Clarence
Pte. Bowman, Albert Edward
Pte. Brant, Elmer Joseph
Pte.Brennan, Kenneth Percival
Pte. Bruce, Ronald
Pte. Butler,
Leslie James
Pte. Butler,
Robert Charles
Pte. Carlton,
John Alfred
Pte. Carter, Leonard Edward
L/Cpl. Chadwick, Stanley
Pte. Chilcott, Willaim James
Pte. Clarke, Ivan
Pte. Clausen, Roy Liege
Pte. Coat, Thomas Chester
L/Cpl. Cole, Albert George
Pte. Coleman, Edward Bruce
Pte. Coleman, Howard Albert
Cpl. Coltman, James
Pte. Conick, Paul
Pte. Copeman, John Levi
Pte. Cornelius, Francis
Pte. Cottington, George Stevenson
Plaque 3:
Pte. Cronin, John Bryan
Pte. Cronin, Michael Terrance Joseph
Sgt. Cruikshank, George McAdam
Pte. Day, Charles Henry
Pte. Dieus, Harvey Eckhart
Cpl. Emberson, Charles Joseph
Pte. Flanagan, Joseph Patrick
Pte. Fletcher, Fred
Pte. Forbes, Wesley Sylvester
Cpl. Foster, Clarence William
Pte. Freeborn, John Fulton
Pte. Fritsch,John Steve
Pte. Gajewski, Paul
Pte. Garrison, Thomas Joseph
Pte. Gibbons, Alfred Thomas
Pte. Gibbons, Harry James
Pte. Gordon, Thomas
Pte. Goulais, Michael Clarence
Pte. Gralick, John Mark
Pte. Grant, William Alexis
Pte. Greaves, Thomas Edward
Pte. Greene, Wilfred Laurier
Pte. Grey, Gordon Samuel
Pte. Griffiths, William Hnery
Pte. Gubbins, Russell Whitfield
Pte. Gurden, Gordon William
Pte. Hankinson, Leonard
WOII Harris, Lloyd Arthur
L/Cpl. Harris, Sauel Howard
Pte. Haycock, Kenneth Albert George
Pte. Heifetz, Leizer
Pte. Henderson, James
Cpl. Henderson, Murray Herbert
Pte. Henry, Norman Walter
Cpl. Hodson, Arthur Edwin
Pte. Holmes, John Bernard
L/Cpl. Howarth, Leonard
Pte. Hughes, Patrick
Pte. Hysert, Francis Overton
Pte. Irven, William John
Pte. Johnson, Alfred Edward
Pte. Jones, Arthur
Pte. Jones, Charles Seymour
Pte. Judd, Herbert Raymond
Cpl. Juhlke, William Harold
Pte. Karas, Rudolph Ciril
Pte. Kellar, Clarence Malcolm
L/Cpl. Kennedy, William
Pte. Kerslake, George
Pte. King, Maxwell Jacob
Front Right:
Plaque 1.
Pte. Knight, Ray Douglas
Pte. Kotterman, George
Pte. Lake, William John
Pte. Lavis, Douglas
Pte. Lee, Gordon Joseph
Pte. Leeson, Roy Cleveland
Pte. Leigh, William Murray
Pte. Lendzioszek, John
Pte. Lillycrop, Thomas Robert
Pte. Long, Kenneth Gordon
Pte. Mack, Michael Walter
Pte. MacLellan, John Neil
Pte. MacLeod, Ernest
Pte. MacPherson, Alexander Duncan
Pte. Magdiziasz, Joseph
Pte. Magner, Paul Leon
L/Sgt. Marlow, Arthur Herbert Lucien
L/Sgt. Martin Franklin
Pte. McAndrew, Henry Frederick
Pte. McBride, Clarence Wilson
Pte. McCarroll, Charles Kenneth
Pte. McConnell, Andrew John
Pte. McConville, Lawrence Austin
Pte. McCourt, Hugh Francis
Cpl. McNamara, James
Pte. McParland, Orval
Pte. Megson, Robert Henry
Pte. Meiners, Albert William
Pte. Miller, Robert William
Pte. Minnett, Harry
Pte. Moore, Stanley Leonard
Pte. Mulholland, James
Pte. Napken, Jack
Sgt. Naylor, George Midgley
Pte. Newton,
Robert John
Pte. Nickel, Herbert Rubin
Pte. O’Kane, John Gerald
Pte. O’Neill, Frank
Sgt. O’Neill, John Gerard
Pte. Owen, William George
Pte. Paterson, James Allan
Pte. Pendleton, Cecil Laverne
Pte. Pilley, Harry Graham
Pte. Prine, Willaim
Pte. Pringle, Alfred Meredith
Pte. Proulx, Albert
Pte. Purdy, Ivan Lavern
Pte. Reid, Jack Harry
Pte. Reid, Thomas Paul
Pte. Rhynard, Austin Joseph
Plaque 2:
Pte. Richards, Stanley
Pte. Richardson, John David
Pte. Rieger, Egbert Lorne
Pte. Robar, Charles Robert
Pte. Rolston, Wilfred Burton
Pte. Rust, William George
Pte. Salisbury,
Donald Fredrick
Pte. Salisbury,
William Edward
Pte. Scott, Maurice Alfred James
Pte. Sears, John
Pte. Sharpe, William Allison
Pte. Sinden, Bernard George
Pte. Slusar, Harry
L/Cpl. Smith, Francis Herbert
L/Cpl. Smith, Gerald Hamilton
Pte. Smith, Henry
Pte. Sommerville, Neil
Pte. Spring, Herbert Edward William
Pte. Staniuk, Peter Steven
Pte. Steele, James Lester
L/Cpl. Stewart, Harry Crawford
Pte. Stewart, James Thomas
Pte. Stokes, George Henry
Pte. Taylor, Francis Gordon
Pte. Taylor, Raymond
Cpl. Teasdale, George
Pte. Teasdale, Peter
Sgt. Teather, Charles Hadfield
Pte. Templeman, Martin
Pte. Thompson, Joseph
Pte. Trumbley, Robert Frederick Thomas
Pte. Tuck, Warren Harvey
Pte. Tucker, Walter
Cpl. Turnbull, George Pearson
Pte. Turner, Carl Orville
Pte. Turner, David
Pte. Vickers, Wallace Edward
Pte. Walker, JohnWilliam
Pte. Walsh, Philip John
Pte. Walters, Edward Richard
Cpl. Weaver, Frank Howard
Pte. Webb, Gerald
Pte. Whyte, Sidney James Clarence
Pte. Wilson Frank Francis
Pte. Withnell, Robert Edward
Pte. Woodey, Clifford Roy
Pte. Wright, Alfred
Pte. Zolyomy, William Joseph
Plaque 3:
Pte. P.C. Hanson
Essex Scottish Regiment
Capt. W.J. McCutcheon
Royal Canadian Artillery
F/Sgt. A.R. McDonald
Royal Canadian air Force
Pte. H.L. Spike Royal
Regiment of Canada
P.O. L.A.
Walker 403 Squadron R.C.A.F.
Two Canadian soldiers who
participated on the Dieppe Raid of
19 August 1942
were awarded the
Victoria Cross for their individual
valour, gallantry, leadership and
self-sacrifice while under intense
and continuous enemy fire
throughout the day.
Lt. Col. Charles
Cecil Merritt, VC
Commanding Officer
The South Saskatchewan Regiment
Capt. John Weir
Foote, VC
Regimental Chaplain
The Royal Hamilton
Light Infantry
Four plaques on the rear of the memorial give greater detail
of the history of the battle and of the losses of other regiments at the Dieppe
Raid. For more information regarding the
test of these plaques, please contact me directly.