Location: City of Brantford N 43° 08.294 W 080° 16.160
Corner of Brant Avenue and Colborne Street West.
"The Boer War Memorial is located in Jubilee Terrance Park that was officially designated as a park during the city celebrations of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. The base of the Monument continues to be surrounded by a planting bed as it was originally.
During the Boer threat in South Africa in 1899, thirty Brantford men volunteered to serve with either the Canadian or British units. The victory of the Boer War gave the City of Brantford their first war heroes and war casualties, therefore, a memorial was commissioned. The Monument was the artistic work of Hamilton McArthur of Ottawa. A soldier of the Queen ready for battle is mounted on the granite base. On each of the four sides of the base are bronze panels. One pictures the three Brantford heroes who were fatalities and the remaining depict the respective battles where each lost his life. The four panels show the attack on the Boer position at Spion Kop where Lieut. Osborne fell; Hart's River where Corporal Sherritt lost his life; the defense of the british guns, at the battle of Belfast where Lieut. Builder suffered fatal injuries. In 1903, the Boer War Memorial was dedicated on Victory Day."
taken from: http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM9PCR_Boer_War_Memorial_Brantford_Ontario
A Howitzer cannon once accompanied the memorial, but due to neglect and weathering, it was recently removed.
Marker text:
1899 - 1902
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