Location: City of Niagara Falls N 43° 03.125 W 079° 01.490 Found on the Niagara Parkway, two kilometres east of the village of Chippawa.
Here, on 5 July 1814, an American army under Major-General Jacob Brown launched the last major invasion of Canada during the War of 1812. The Americans defeated a British and Canadian force commanded by Major-General Phineas Riall consisting of regulars, militia and Aboriginal warriors. During the engagement, about 200 men were killed and over 500 wounded. After four months of heavy fighting, with major action at Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie and Cooks Mills, the invaders were forced back to the United States. *taken from National Historic Site plaque at the site.
The Memorial consists of a tall stone marker, with plaques dedicated to the British, American and Natives who fought on this battlefield. Nearby is also a Historical Plaque noting this spot as a National Historic Site.
Marker text:
(Province of Ontario Coats of Arms)
Battle of Chippawa
5 July 1814
In memory of all those who fought on this ground,
many of whom are buried nearby,
and to commemorate the peace that has prevailed
between Canada and the United States
since that time.
This monument was erected and dedicated by
The Niagara Parks Commission
October 2001
Brian E. Merrett, Chairman
Niagara Parks Commission
(American Flag)
Dedicated to the soldiers of the
Left Division, United States Army
who fought here on
5 July 1814
Regiment of United States Light Dragoons
Major Jacob Hindman's Battalion, United States Corp of Artillery
9th United States Infantry Regiment
11th United States Infantry Regiment
17th United States Infantry Regiment
19th United States Infantry Regiment
21st United States Infantry Regiment
22nd United States Infantry Regiment
23rd United States Infantry Regiment
25th United States Infantry Regiment
5th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment
(Eagle feather)
Dedicated to
the memory of the warriors of the
First Nations allied with Britain
and of the
First Nations allied with the United States
who fought here on
5 July 1814
(Union Jack flag)
Dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the
Right Division, British Army in North America
who fought here on
5 July 1814
19th Regiment of (Light) Dragoons
Captain James Maclachlan's Company, Royal Regiment of Artillery
1st Battalion, 1st (Royal Scots) Regiment of Foot
1st Battalion, 8th (King's) Regiment of Foot
100th (Prince Regent's County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot
Troop of Provincial Royal Artillery Drivers
and the
2nd Lincoln Regiment, Militia of Upper Canada
from the Niagara Peninsula
which, at the Battle of Chippawa, suffered the highest casualties
lost by a Canadian militia unit in a single engagement
during the War of 1812
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